Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the new talk of the town. It has advanced to the point where it not only delivers speeches but also answers questions from users and can pass legal and medical exams. The development of technology has threatened employment for many as well as their usefulness in the future, though.
In the midst of all of this, a vintage clip from the beloved cartoon series “Tom and Jerry” is becoming increasingly popular online and has been associated with the fear of being replaced by AI.
The series has shown Thomas as the cat who is kept by the owner to deal with the rat, Jerry. However, as we all know, Tom usually fails in the chase and Jerry ends up tricking him.
In the video, Jerry is successfully taken care of by a robotic cat in Tom’s place. Supriya Sahu, an employee of the Indian Administrative Service, tweeted the video.
“60 years ago, Tom was the first one to lose his job because of Machines and Artificial Intelligence,” she wrote.
In the video, Tom’s owner calls him and introduces him to the robotic cat who would carry out the duties that Tom was failing to perform. She specifically says the words “will take your job as a mouse catcher.”
Disappointed Tom packs his luggage and departs the house at the end of the video, feeling depressed after being replaced.
“Mechano: The cat of tomorrow. No feeding, no fussing and no fur clean, efficient dependable,” a note that comes with the robot says.
The robotic cat successfully catches Jerry and throws him outside once the woman turns on Mechano. Disappointed Tom packs his luggage and leaves the house at the end of the video, feeling depressed after being replaced.
The video was posted by Sahu a few days ago, and more than 35,000 people have watched it since then. Many users commented on the predictions and offered their opinions.
One of the users posted the next scene of the episode that shows how the robot destroyed the whole house pointing to how the robot can replace temporarily but can never be as sensible.
“Wow! Fred Quimby’s team really predicted it half a century ago,” a user said.
“Many authors and poets forecast the future very well!” chimed in a third.