Home Life Style WATCH: Mama elephant shoos away croc to save calf while mud bathing

WATCH: Mama elephant shoos away croc to save calf while mud bathing

WATCH: Mama elephant shoos away croc to save calf while mud bathing
Screengrabs of video showing elephant trying to save her baby from a crocodile. — Twitter/@susantananda3
Screengrabs of video showing elephant trying to save her baby from a crocodile. — Twitter/@susantananda3

Mothers are the bravest and most audacious when it comes to the safety and well-being of their children.

There have been numerous incidents where female animals have risked their own lives to protect their little ones, which proves that not only humans but wildlife also possess such instincts.

One such video was shared by a forest service officer in India that showed a fierce female elephant scaring away a crocodile that tried to attack her baby.

The video opened with the calf taking a dip in a puddle of muddy water while the female tusker splashed the water on itself. In a couple of seconds, as the camera zooms in, some activity is seen in the middle of the pond and that’s when the mama elephant lunges ahead and stomps on the crocodile hiding underwater before it could attack the baby.

The brave move of the elephant forces the huge reptile to surrender and run away. The cutest thing about this video was the way the little elephant was hiding under its mother while she fought off the croc. 

Many internet users were quick to comment on the maternal instincts of the elephant.

”The extent to which elephants can go in protecting their calves is mind-boggling. Here is a small incident. The Crocodile had to surrender.”

The adorable video has garnered over 1,500 likes and 58,000 views.

A user wrote: “Even after the croc is gone, she is still searching the mud pool, in case any more are still there. Mother’s protective instinct in action.

Meanwhile, another said “When it comes to her child, there is no shield, no courage, no force on earth equivalent to the mother’s”. 

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