Business & FinanceHealth
17 January 2024, 5:59 pm 1 minute
Reuters exclusively reported that the European Central Bank was asking banks to detail their exposure to Spanish drugmaker Grifols and a network of companies linked to the founding family, days after the Barcelona-based business was accused of manipulating its financial accounts by a short-seller. The story also revealed how supervisors were concerned that the huge drop in Grifols’ share price could require family-connected companies which have borrowed using Grifols stock as collateral to post more margin. Grifols denies all the allegations made by Gotham City Research, the short-seller. The story was picked up by Bloomberg, Spain’s state-owned news agency, EFE, and made it into several newspapers including Expansion, El Mundo and the front page of business daily Cinco Dias.
Market Impact
Since Jan. 9, the stock has lost nearly 40%. Gotham’s report has wiped more than 3.3 billion euros from Grifols’ market value.
Article Tags
Topics of Interest: Business & FinanceHealth
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Business & FinancePharmaceuticals & Healthcare
Regions: Europe
Countries: Spain
Win Types: Exclusivity
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Significant National Story