Home Entertainment Review | The 21 movies we hated in 2023 — and how to watch them, if you must

Review | The 21 movies we hated in 2023 — and how to watch them, if you must

Review | The 21 movies we hated in 2023 — and how to watch them, if you must

“Hugh Jackman plays Peter, a middle-aged New York attorney who as ‘The Son’ opens has embarked on a new life with his partner, Beth (Vanessa Kirby), and their new baby when his ex-wife, Kate (Laura Dern), shows up to let Peter know that Nicholas, their 17-year-old son, has been skipping school. Red flags abound in a story that turns out to be about adolescent depression, as well as adult self-deception, generational trauma and wobbly boundaries: Peter, a fixer by nature, is convinced he can get Nicholas back on track by virtue of good intentions and sheer force of will. What ensues is a slow-motion wreck that the audience can see coming down Madison Avenue, complete with a Chekhovian trope that’s as on the nose as it is breathtakingly offensive.” — Ann Hornaday

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