Home Economy Anne Hathaway spills she’s inspired by Gen Z for making bold fashion statement

Anne Hathaway spills she’s inspired by Gen Z for making bold fashion statement

Anne Hathaway spills she’s inspired by Gen Z for making bold fashion statement
Anne Hathaway spills she’s inspired by Gen Z for making bold fashion statement
Anne Hathaway spills she’s inspired by Gen Z for making bold fashion statement

Anne Hathaway has finally spilled what compels her for making bold fashion statement in recent years.

“I know this sounds like I’m super-pandering, but I’m really switched on by Gen Z,” revealed Anne in a new interview with Vogue.

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The Devil Wears Prada actress called Gen Z “a fun generation when it comes to fashion”.

For the unversed, Gen Z is the generation of people born between late 1990 and early 2000s.

Anne Hathaway spills she’s inspired by Gen Z for making bold fashion statement

Reflecting on new fashion era, Anne noted, “I feel like designers are having a lot of fun.”

“I feel like people are enjoying it. Maybe it was always the case, and maybe I was the only person in the corner watching everybody else have fun,” remarked the Princess Diaries actress.

Anne however pointed out that is just the “ability to enjoy it feels like it’s more available to me now than it ever was before”.

Anne Hathaway spills she’s inspired by Gen Z for making bold fashion statement

Interestingly, Anne never felt shy to experiment with style and fashion be it dressing as a femme fatale in a dominatrix-esque design or channeling her inner Barbie in a head-to-toe pink getup.

Anne was surprised to realise that it’s easy for her step out of the comfort zone and owns up to bold and stylish looks.

“I felt really lost because I didn’t know what that was until I realised I have so many styles. Once I realised that, then I felt like something clicked. But that’s just me. It’s different. Some people are like, ‘Nope, black turtleneck every day,’” confessed The Intern star.

Anne Hathaway spills she’s inspired by Gen Z for making bold fashion statement

Elsewhere in the interview, Anne also attributed her stylist Erin Walsh for giving her motivation.

“She inspires me. Her style has really rubbed off on me, and the way she wears things, whatever it is, she always wears it in the most effortless way possible,” added the actress.

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