Business & FinanceDeals
16 August 2023, 7:48 pm 1 minute
Reuters exclusively reported that ArcelorMittal SA (MT.LU), the world’s second-largest steelmaker, is considering a potential offer for U.S. Steel Corp (X.N). The combination would reverse ArcelorMittal’s retreat from the United States as a production base after it sold most of its operations to Cleveland-Cliffs Inc (CLF.N) in 2020 for $1.4 billion to focus on growing markets such as India and Brazil.
Market Impact
The combination would reverse ArcelorMittal’s retreat from the United States as a production base after it sold most of its operations to Cleveland-Cliffs Inc (CLF.N) in 2020 for $1.4 billion to focus on growing markets such as India and Brazil.
Article Tags
Topics of Interest: Business & FinanceDeals
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Business & Finance
Regions: Americas
Countries: United States
Win Types: Exclusivity
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Significant National Story