Home World News Turkey faces election runoff, Erdogan seen with momentum   – Reuters News Agency

Turkey faces election runoff, Erdogan seen with momentum   – Reuters News Agency

Turkey faces election runoff, Erdogan seen with momentum   – Reuters News Agency


Reuters led reporting of the Turkish presidential elections, from initial reports showing President Erdogan’s comfortable lead to the subsequent local news of his lead dropping below 50%, making a runoff likely. With Erdogan facing the most credible challenge to his power in two decades, markets were watching the results closely. The lira and stock markets fell sharply as Erdogan’s position went against polling results in the runup to the election.

Market Impact

The lira and stock markets fell sharply as Erdogan’s strong result went against what had been seen in polling in the runup to the election.

Article Tags

Topics of Interest: Government

Type: Reuters Best

Sectors: Government & Public Services

Regions: Middle East

Countries: Turkey

Win Types: Speed

Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop

Media Types: Text

Customer Impact: Significant National Story

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